Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Android super charge crap lockscreen

its been a while, quite busy with... stuff...
but here is a quick post about something annoying.
after i have updated several apps on my android phone, suddenly i noticed a weird lock screen.
my first reaction was WTF, because after i swiped, my original lock screen appeared.
so i looked at list of updated applications, looked at all my installed apps, but nothing was really standing out.
so i looked in google, and it is appears to be a new trend for unknown reason.

here are few links:


and i even spotted one of the apps that have been updated to be on this thread:


so, i was quite confident this wasn't some malware (although i don't have anything worthy on my phone) and in the worst case im suffering some excessive battery drain (all those apps are fake shit, i hope you know that) and maybe i will get some ads, although i didnt get any :<

the easiest solution was of course just to uninstall the shit and see how it goes, but i decided to be more technical, and try to do some adb shell "magic" :

adb shell dumpsys window windows | grep -E 'mCurrentFocus|mFocusedApp'
so... it was indeed the photo editor...

here are some pictures of this magnificent app:

i must say that the settings actually worked, and it disabled that lock screen, and right after that i uninstalled it.

another note: the lock screen would appear only when the phone is charging (so you could  get the super duper mega fast charge boost)